Check out the progress being made on the Sharing Prayer Garden!
The path is in, the plants are planted and the benches are in place. Take a few moments to walk the path and enjoy the wonderful color and beauty of God’s creation. Sit a while and thank God for all He continues to bless us with or say a prayer for a burden weighing on your mind.
Thank you to everyone who put a little something into the making of the garden. All who gave of time, talents, ideas, plants and funds to make the Sharing Prayer Garden come together. Wonderful thanks and praises to our loving God and Father for His blessings.
See the pictures below!
The Sharing Prayer Garden Team
Bob & Donna, Dana & Marilyn, Mary and Cathy
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
1 Corinthians 3:7
Prepping the space for the path and starting to install the edging.
Carl, Dana and the boy scouts with their leader Phill did an awesome job completing the path!
Planting and the finished product! We encourage you to enjoy the Sharing Prayer Garden!